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Router Backup


Routers are replaceable without a backup. You can use role attributes in your policies or re-enroll an unavailable router.

Role Attributes

You can recover without a backup by creating a new router with the same roles. Policies that authorize routers with role attributes (e.g., #some-role), not mentions (e.g., @router1) will authorize a replacement router with the same roles with the same privileges.

Remember to delete the replaced router.


You can recover without a backup by re-enrolling an existing router. Re-enrolling a router will invalidate the existing enrollment and existing policy grants for the router's ID (e.g., @router1) will still be valid.

Re-enroll with the CLI like this.

ziti edge re-enroll edge-router router1 --jwt-output-file /tmp/router1.jwt
Expected output
re-enroll edge-router with id XVXqEG6ANz: OK
Enrollment expires at 2024-04-19T18:12:47.489Z

Link to API reference for the re-enroll operation.

Restore Files

If you have a backup of the router's identity files, you can restore them to a new host. The router's identity files are the only state that must be restored. You probably also want to restore the configuration file, but you may use any valid router configuration.

The necessary files are referred to in the configuration file as filesystem paths in identity blocks, of which there are one or more. If you restore the identity files to a new location, you must edit the configuration file to reflect the new paths or use environment variables within the configuration file for paths within the identity block.


The router has two stateful elements: the configuration file and the identity files mentioned in the configuration file. The router will cache control plane information in the same directory as the configuration file, but it's not essential to back it up as long as the configuration file points to a valid control plane endpoint.

Identity Files

The router's identity files (keys and certs) uniquely identify the router to the controller. To recover a unique router identity you must back up the files mentioned in the following configuration properties:

  • identity may appear in several places and always configures keys and certs for the router

Configuration File

The router's configuration file is specified as a positional parameter when the router is run. You can edit the file to change the filesystem path for any files that are restored to a new location.