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Migrate a Router Installation

You can generate a configuration with the ziti create config router command, optionally mutating the generated config with a combination of command-line args and environment variables. Find an annotated sample config file from the Ziti repo.

Here's an example BASH script for migrating an existing controller state to the Linux service's working directory.


set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set -o xtrace

pushd $(mktemp -d)

# install router and CLI packages
curl -sS \
| sudo bash -s openziti-router

# create state with the quickstart
timeout 10s ziti edge quickstart --home $PWD

# ensure service is disabled and state is clean
sudo systemctl disable --now ziti-router.service
sudo systemctl clean --what=state ziti-router.service

# duplicate the controller part of the quickstart state to the service working directory using the config.yml filename
# expected by the controller service
sudo mkdir -pv /var/lib/ziti-router/
sudo cp -v ./quickstart-router.* /var/lib/ziti-router/
sudo mv -v /var/lib/ziti-router/{quickstart-router.yaml,config.yml}

# correct config paths
sudo sed -Ei "s|$PWD|/var/lib/ziti-router|g" /var/lib/ziti-router/config.yml

# disable bootstrapping
sudo sed -Ei 's|(ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_.*)=.*|\1=false|g' /opt/openziti/etc/router/service.env

# run only the controller in the background using the quickstart state so the enrolled router can check in
nohup ziti controller run ctrl.yaml &

# start the service
sudo systemctl enable --now ziti-router.service
sudo systemctl status ziti-router.service